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Frequently Asked Questions

1. What does E3 Displays do?

We design and manufacture custom LCD and touch panel solutions for most applications and markets.

2. Are custom displays more expensive than standard displays?

The common misconception is that creating a custom display is more expensive than a standard display. While custom in other markets usually means higher costs, this is not always the case for creating a display solution. There are several factors of why your overall cost will be less. When getting a standard display, there are many features included that may not be necessary for your display needs. When producing displays in a large quantity, these unnecessary features can add up. For example, certain optical features like wide viewing cones, higher levels of brightness are factors that increase costs. We achieve additional product integration by incorporating peripherals like LED backlight drivers and integrated power, gamma and timing controllers which eliminates intermediate PCBs (printer circuit boards) and can streamline assembly time. Having only the necessary features you need on your display solution will ultimately lower your cost. To learn more about creating a new, or match an existing display, please click the “GET IN TOUCH” button on this page, or give us a call!

3. Can I put a touch panel on any display?

Yes you can! Since a touch screen is just another piece of hardware that is placed on top of the LCD display, a resistive or capacitive touch panel can be added to any display. The only restriction would be if the display is under 2 inches in size. When the display is that small, it doesn’t have enough area on the touch panel surface for functionality. To learn more about creating a new, or match an existing display, please click the “GET IN TOUCH” button on this page, or give us a call!

4. When should I choose to go custom?

There are two main scenarios that should be considered when deciding to go custom when developing a new product. One is based on your volume size. If you are in need of a display and your usage is five to ten thousand units per year, the savings per unit will typically be lower if you choose to go custom. The second is if you have a design that is already in production, but you need to change to a new supplier. In scenarios like this, E3 Displays may be able to match all optical, mechanical and electrical features through our custom program. To learn more about creating a new, or match an existing display, please click the “GET IN TOUCH” button on this page, or give us a call!

5. Can you match the display I am getting from my supplier?

Yes! In almost any case, we can identify or create a drop-in replacement match of the display you are getting from your current supplier. For monochrome displays, we can retool the LCD glass, PCB and backlight and any other components that are applicable for the display. If the LCD driver is available, we can replace it with a similar or identical model. If it is not available, we can replace it with a model that is 100% compatible. If that IC requires a software upgrade, we can handle it. For color TFT projects, we can identify a match and also make sure it is compatible. To learn more about creating a new, or matching an existing display, please click the “GET IN TOUCH” button on this page, or give us a call!

6. How do I know what kind of display I need?

If you are wondering what display you may need, we are here to help guide you through the process. Our trained staff will walk you through every step of determining your exact needs for your display. We care about helping you meet your ideal costs and having a display that not only performs well, but also solves all of your problems. To learn more about creating a new, or matching an existing display, please click the “GET IN TOUCH” button on this page, or give us a call!

7. Where does E3 Displays manufacture?

We have a facility in Phoenix Arizona and partner factories in Shenzhen China.

8. Does E3 Displays do Optical Bonding?

Yes we bond touch panels and protective glass to LCD’s

9. Do you offer touch panels?

Yes we design and manufacture PCAP or projected capacitive touch panels for most LCDs we sell. We also offer resistive touch panels as well.

10. Are you ISO registered?

We are ISO 9001:2015 registered, we are ISO 13485 compliant.

11. Does E3 design NVIS or High-Bright LCD solutions?

Yes we have many years of experience and expertise.

12. What type of displays does E3 offer?

We offer MLCD, ePAPER, OLED and TFT displays from under 1.0″ to 100″.

13. What are the lead times for your products?

That depends on the solution, quantities, manufacturing location but in general, overall lead times range from 8 weeks to 22 weeks.